Screenshot Helper
Ver. 1.4.1
Screenshot Helper is a powerful screenshots toolkit for almost all platforms, all Unity render pipelines, and supports capture images in several ways including fullscreen capture, camera capture, cutout area, specific size, scale, and with/without UI. Fit for any project to create accurate screenshots in the runtime app or Unity editor.
We bring you concise, optimized APIs that work out of the box, and easy to integrate. The unified API lets you integrate once and works on all supported platforms!
New to Unity? Just don't want to modify your scripts, or just lazy? Don't worry! The CodelessScreenshotHelper extension is for you. Drag and drop the provided screenshot Prefab into your scene, even if the scene is already running in the editor. You are ready to capture images at any time you want!
The PLUS version enables the ability for adding watermarks with flexible settings, and natively save your images to Android Gallery/iOS Photos, and more...
Features (Free)​
Capture full-screen image
Capture part of the screen(Custom rect region at any screen position)
Capture image using Unity camera, can scale the image size(0.1X – 4X)
Support Unity built-in render pipeline and all Scriptable Render Pipelines
Support Anti-Aliasing for camera capture methods
Support touch, including touch-to-capture example
Codeless screenshot extension for both runtime App and Editor
Capture and returns Texture2D, Sprite, or RenderTexture
Handy image display handler script for UGUI
Compatible with Pro GIF for saving texture(s) as GIF
All platforms
Features + (Plus)
The below features are included in Screenshot Helper Plus only:
Screenshot Helper Plus
Capture selected editor window/inspector tab (Shift+W)
Camera capture method: now supports transparency for object/texture/UI and camera background color. (Requires non-Skybox mode for the camera, set the camera BG color and alpha value to adjust the transparency effect, please save the texture to PNG)
Mobile Media Plugin
Save Image, Video, GIF to native gallery
Pick Image, Video, GIF from native gallery (single file picker)
Save Audio to the Music folder (Android Only)
Pick Audio from native folders (Android Only) (single file picker)
Get thumbnail and full-size image for Image, Video, and GIF
Save files to specific folder in the Gallery
Save files with specific filename
Options for picking file from Cloud drives (Android Only)
Options for picking GIF as a static image(first frame) or origin file
Check native storage permission and request permission
Prompt native Settings menu for changing permission
Handy external permission handler script and example
Detailed example scene included, ready-to-build for testing on devices
Demo scene included for showing how to pick/save image or video from/to mobile device gallery. Please find the Readme document and demo(MobileMediaTest.unity) in the MobileMedia folder.
Watermark Util
Add watermark texture on the screenshot
Add watermark texture on existing texture
Support transparency
Set watermark position
Watermark grayscale mode option
No need to place the watermark logo on UI
Flexible, easy, texture combine API, can be used independently
Editor Screenshot Helper
Capture any current selected editor window/tab using Hotkeys: Shift + W​
Support Platform
- Unity 5 and newer.
- Screenshot features work on All Unity supported platforms. All render pipelines.
- Native plugin (MobileMedia) works on Android and iOS.