Pro GIF Recorder Toolkit
Ver. 2.0.6
Pro GIF Recorder Toolkit is a powerful GIF recorder package. A multi-threaded, high-performance recorder/encoder library, which is the most advanced GIF recorder/encoder for Unity.
This package provides the features to record animated GIFs and playback the newly created GIF frames immediately. Advanced, powerful GIF recorder, highly customizable settings. So many useful stuff included that make this package not only a recorder but also a toolkit for making & handling GIFs for game & application!
All our code and examples are carefully designed to provide a clean, easy-to-use package. GIF has never been so easy with Pro GIF series!
Pro GIF recorder is a nice recorder suitable for many purposes:
You can record the funniest moment of your game, such as the moment the last enemy or the player character is being killed (Win/Lose). Or, the moment the player accomplishes an achievement, etc.
Create transparent GIF stickers, emojis, by enabling the transparent setting.
Finally, your user can upload the created GIFs and then share them on social platforms. It is one of the best ways to promo your game and application!
​​Record GIF/GIF Replay (support transparent).
​​Preview/Play the recorded GIF (support transparent, support Reverse and Ping-pong play mode).
Rich settings: FPS, Duration, Quality, RepeatCount, Aspect Ratio, Resolution(support auto resize to fit any screen size), Transparent Color(for hiding a particular BG color).
The encoding process runs in threads for better performance.
Support record GIF with multiple cameras.
Multi-threaded encoder.
Ultra-low (preview player) memory footprint, even for a large number of GIF frames.
Crop GIF (with a specific aspect ratio, e.g. 16:9, 3:2, 4:3, 1:1, etc.).
Rotate GIF (90, -90, 180 degrees).
Support save Reverse and Ping-pong play mode GIF.
Support adding and getting Comment-Extension(human readable metadata, e.g. image credit, description).
Preview newly created GIF on Image, RawImage, Renderers(Meshes such as Cube, Plane, Sphere etc...), GuiTexture and any other material that supports Texture2D, Sprite, or RenderTexture.
API helper classes for accessing the world's largest GIF library from Giphy.
Use your own GIF channels & API keys.
Share on up-to 15 social platforms.
Optimized Json tool(Newtonsoft.Json), work on mobile & desktop.
The codeless Pro GIF recorder (editor extension) for recording GIF in both the Editor play mode and runtime App, without modifying your code, just drag and drop the script/prefab to your scene.
Some more useful stuff.
GIF libraries full source code.
Support Platform
- Unity 5 and later
- Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, Linux, Unity Editor.
- All types of Unity render pipelines: Built-in, URP, LWRP, HDRP!!!

* Pro GIF Recorder Toolkit offers advanced GIF recorder/encoder features and performant speed for your indie and even commercial projects, with a relatively affordable price of 49 USD (Suggested commercial price: 79 USD).
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You can upgrade to Pro GIF at any time you want. More advanced features are ready for your projects!
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Easily record GIF in the Editor, play mode:
Record the development screens at any time! Codeless, just drag the prefab to your scene to record your game and save as GIF. Save time! Promote your game on the social platforms with GIF replay start from now!

Record GIFs with transparency background, you can select a color to hide in the GIF.
(find out more)