Advanced Color Picker
Ver. 1.3.3
Advanced Color Picker is a powerful, easy-to-use color pickers bundle made for Unity. Works for all platforms and supports picking Colors in different ways.
You can use the color pickers by calling 2 - 3 APIs. Or create and design your own picker by starting with the included prefabs and component scripts. Use it out of the box, or making a new one? You can always have choices!
We present you with the professional-looking, accurately calculated UI, yet highly customizable color picker! No matter what Unity player platform, mobile or desktop applications. This is the color picker package you need!
• Pick Color from the palette, easy to add/replace palette textures (Editor or Runtime)
• Adjust the RGBA sliders to pick Color
• RGBA input-fields, set Color by entering the RGBA values
• Hex code input-field, convert hex code to Color
• Picker Rect Component: an advanced color dropper for picking colors from the screen, adjustable picker rect size for picking an area of the pixels, and calculate the nearest color of that area looks like, optional to save the picked area as an image (JPG/PNG)
• Preset Colors, auto/manual manage, save & load the preset colors. Easy, flexible, configurable layout
• Support multiple color pickers running at the same time, making your color picker more extensible, and flexible for more complicated use cases
• Ready to use and easy to customize UI design (5 ready to use color picker templates included, you can create more if you want)
• Show the picked Color, RGB/RGBA values, show Hex color code, show the picked area texture
• Highly customizable settings and concise API
Highly Customizable
Enable/Disable dragging for the color picker
Enable/Disable alpha setting
Enable/Disable color dropper
Adjustable color dropper size
Flexibly change the palette texture (runtime & editing time)
Auto-fit with screen, also has extra settings for handling panel size
Scalable panel (by setting a scale factor)
Options for auto manage(save/load) preset colors to the PlayerPrefs, or by manual operations
Support Platform
Both Legacy InputManager & New InputSystem
New Unity UI (compatible with other UI systems)
Unity 5 and newer
All platforms, Mobile and Desktop