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Pro GIF Universal Update History




- Supports decoding some rare GIFs which missing Graphic Control Extension in the GIF.

- Rename variables in the ProGifPlayerComponent class. This may affect some advanced integrations, which had access to this class directly.



- Adds a callback to be fired when the decoder(player) encountered an error during decoding the GIF. e.g. file broken...

- Adds a decode option to try playing broken GIFs.

- Improves the CodelessProGifRecorder editor extension, and fixes inspector buttons not working properly in macOS Unity editor.

- Improves "GifApi+ProGifPlayer Demo" scene and "ProGifDemo_Panels_Show_or_Hide_UI" demo scene.

- Fixes a bug in the GetGifInfo method, in which the texture is cleared incorrectly.



- Fixes a rare issue in which the recorder is unable to capture the objects, if their shaders execute after the camera capture process.

- Minor fixes of the demo scenes & update the Common scripts.



- Removes the MobileMedia Plugin from the package, current Pro GIF users can get it for free: MobileMedia Plugin

- Improves the editor GIF recorder feature, now supports both in the Editor and runtime App. Rename it to ColdelessProGifRecorder and add some more useful functions and dynamic parameters for flexible setup in the scene.

- The ProGifPlayerComponent will automatically call the Clear method when the player object is being destroyed, which prevents leaks if the developer forgets to clear the player before destroying its GameObject directly.

- Scriptable Render Pipeline: The recorder no longer forces reset the camera ViewportRect width & height to 1 (this should be your own choice).

- Update and improve GIF API(Giphy) to the latest, refactor all the JSON & helper classes, some new API and parameters added.

- Update and improve Weather and TimeZone API(WorldWeatherOnline), refactor all the JSON & helper classes, some new API and parameters added.

- Remove the CryptoCurrency API, because the old 3rd party API services have stopped. - Add namespace for some common scripts.



- Minor fixes and some changes to the demo scenes.



- Pro GIF Universal now supports multi-threaded decode for multiple GIFs. How: set the decoder option enum to "ProGif_MultiThreaded" in the method PGif.iSetAdvancedPlayerDecodeSettings(decoderOption...)

- Adds a script(ProGifPlayerHandler) for setting up player targets for codeless playing GIFs(with a new demo scene included: ProGifDemo_3DSceneUGUI).

- Adds a new PlayerComponent(ProGifPlayerTexture2D) that without UI/Renderer target, which only returns the current played Texture2D for handling by yourself.

- Avoids unnecessary resources unload process, thus leaving the main thread smoother.

- Decoder bug fixes.



- Improves the recorder component to create better transparent GIFs, adds a new demo scene(ProGifDemo_TransparentSetupExample).

- Updates MobileMedia Plugin to support iOS 14 and newer by adding a new permission handling method and new media picker. Plus some fixes & improvements for both Android and iOS.



- MobileMedia Plugin updates : workaround for the storage permission issue on Android10.



- Updates MobileMediaPlugin to v1.1.8. - Minor fixes.



- Recorder: Fixes an issue that transparent background color not completely removed on the edge of non-transparent pixels. Yet, some dots or the border that causes during texture scaling may still appear(transparent GIF only).

- Fixes some issues about the OnEditorGifRecorder editor tools, adds hotkeys, and OnGUI control panel for recording GIF.



- Recorder transparent feature bug fixes and improvements (stable and better function).

- Backward compatible with .NET version below 4.x. Now supports .NET 2.0/Subset, 3.5, 4.0 and newer versions.



- Encoder now supports multithreading which greatly increases the encoding speed on platforms that support multithreading.



- Fixes a build error in the Mobile Media Plugin demo script, when building desktop apps.

- Fixes the "inconsistent line endings" warning in some scripts.



- Adds a variable (float: playbackSpeed) for controlling the gif player playback speed at runtime.

- Adds a default interval to prevent using the incorrectly set delay time when playing some GIFs (a rare issue found in some GIFs on the Internet).



- Fixes a bug regarding the incorrect playback speed issue when the GIF player GameObject is back from in-active state.



- Fixes a problem that the GIF player playback speed is slightly delayed each frame.

- Updates Mobile Media Plugin to v1.1.6.



- Handles the deprecated/obsolete APIs for different Unity versions.

- Fixes the bug that happens in the GIF player component when the ignoreTimeScale mode is enabled. - Giphy example improvements.

- Updates the Json Tool And API Helpers package.

- Updates the MobileMedia Plugin.

- Some other improvements.



- Adds a better solution for Reverse mode and Ping-pong mode GIF creation.

- Adds faster APIs for getting GIF spec info(frame count, fps, resolution, etc.), without decode any GIF frame.



- Supports Scriptable Render Pipeline (LWRP/HDRP). Please refer to the Readme document Part 2 > Setup for Scriptable Render Pipeline (SRP): LWRP/HDRP

- Improves the OnEditorGifRecorder GIF screenshot feature.

- Minor fixes.



- Pro GIF + New decoder core functions (Pro GIF Version 3 decoder).

- Up to 15 times faster than V1 and up to 50% faster than V2. Better supports interlaced GIFs.

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